Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mr. Dorothy the fish!

Wow, I have really been a busy 2 year old so I haven't written in a long long time. I would like to tell everyone that I have obtained my first pet. His name is Dorothy and he is a Betta fishy. He started out in a small bowl, but because our house is kept below freezing he got a new million dollar tank. Apparently, Betta fish don't do well at 62 degrees. Mr Dorothy really likes his new 'crib' and I am having fun feeding (more than he needs to eat) and taking care of him.

I was lucky enough to have acquired this new addition due to the incredible potty training skills that I posses! I have been wearing Thomas underwear to school and have not urinated on myself yet...at school. There was this one little (mom calls it huge) incident at home yesterday with me + a gallon of pee+ the dining room chair, but ahhh that will blow over! I am pretty sure the old lady will forget about that sometime this year since I am so cute.

I get to go on my first vacation in March! I am so excited to fly on an "airpain" and go to "Flordida". I have been talking about the beach, sand, ocean and swimming pool for 3 weeks! Hopefully, "my people" will take lots of pictures so I can share my first adventure with everyone.

I guess I don't have much else to add. I am expecting a baby brother or sister in August so that should be interesting. The baby is currently in my tummy, but my mommy has something in hers too.
For now, I am top dog and tend to run the show!

Good bye for now,
Love Garett

1 comment:

merwulf said...

Hey my main G - I've been waiting for an update - fill me in!