Monday, August 20, 2007


Hello to all my webbed footed friends, I took this blogging idea from my mom's friend Meridith because I thought it was a great idea for everyone to know about me and what trouble I get into everyday. I am almost a year old and my parents just bought a video camera yesterday. My Mommy and Daddy said they wanted to remember all of the funny and naughty (I don't know what they are talking about) things I do. They also said something about blackmail for when I was older. Today they took a video of my naked butt when I was in the tub and said something about graduation. I guess the jokes on them if I don't graduate. I hope everyone likes reading about me! Later, Garett

1 comment:

merwulf said...

Yay!!! I'm so exicted to read about Garett! I love blog updates!!!